How do you assess if she is at risk of exposure keratitis? Answer The risk of exposure keratitis is increased if: there is cornea exposure with the eyes shut absence of Bell's phenomenon absence of corneal sensation
How can you localize the lesion of the nerve lesion? Answer Presence of abducent palsy and/or absent corneal sensation suggests lesion in the brain stem. Schirmer's test. Presence of poor tear production suggests paralysis of the greater petrosal nerve. The lesion is at or above the geniculate body. Taste to the anterior two-third of the tongue. Abnormal taste sensation suggests paralysis of the chorda tympani. The lesion is below the geniculate body. More questions
How can you localize the lesion of the nerve lesion? Answer Presence of abducent palsy and/or absent corneal sensation suggests lesion in the brain stem. Schirmer's test. Presence of poor tear production suggests paralysis of the greater petrosal nerve. The lesion is at or above the geniculate body. Taste to the anterior two-third of the tongue. Abnormal taste sensation suggests paralysis of the chorda tympani. The lesion is below the geniculate body.