Pathology viva
Question 1
Choroidal melanoma - asked to describe low power H & E picture
then higher power view. Asked about epitheloid vs spindle cells, shown
special stains -S100/HMB45/NiK45, prognostic features.
Question 2
Corneal button of HSV keratitis - histological features
Question 3
Immunology of allergic conjunctivitis
Question 4
H & E section of artery - arteriolosclerosis, GCA (I could not
remember all
the layers of an artery)
Ophthalmology clinical
Case 1
Young woman with unilateral retinal detachment repair - 360 scleral
with cryo, PVD and pigment cells present.
Case 2
Highly myopic bilateral pseudophake with microcystic corneal dystrophy,
POAG and myopic fundus changes
Case 3
Middle aged man with POAG - asked to comment on his treatment and
visual fields, he also had iris heterochromia.
Case 4
Old man with unilateral rubeotic CRVO - asked to take a history and
comment on his FFA
Case 5
Old man with gross retinitis pigmentosa and bilateral pseudophakia
- asked
about genetics of RP
Case 6
Young woman with bilateral pigment dispersion syndrome - asked about
Medical cases
Case 1
Lady with myasthenia gravis - asked to take a history and demonstrate
signs. Asked about treatment of MG.
Case 2
Man with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and Charcot joint. Asked to
his lower limbs neurologically and direct fundoscopy. Asked about causes
peripheral neuropathy and whether new vessels occur in the peripheral
Case 3
Old man with multiple unexplainable neurological signs - resolved right
nerve palsy, bilateral ptosis and possible right INO. ? demyelination
- I'll
never know! Asked about features of Horner's and pharmacological tests,
III N palsy and whether MS occurs in over 50 age group.