Candidate 175

FRCS Glasgow

Centre:   New Delhi

   Date:    September 2013


Now I would like to share my experiences

My viva was on 24th Sep and started with Ophthalmic Surgery and Pathology Table ( One British examiner and another Indian examiner)

started with Ectropion, pathogenesis, diagnostic clinical tests and some surgical procedures-it was a very detailed discussion.

The next topic started with a clinical picture of a traumatic cataract-with detailed discussions about the effects of ocular trauma.

The British Examiner started with complications of Trabeclectomy with special focus on shallow ac, its d/d and management

My next topic was a case of Refrac Accom Esotrpia with residual deviation-a detailed discussion regarding the types of surgeries and complications, with management of scleral perforation.


My second table was on General Medicine and Neuro-ophthalmology (One Indian and one Arabian who is an Ophthalmologist-a nice examiner)

started with 70 yr lady pt with picture of scleromalacia perforans, discussion on types of scleritis

The Second Scenario was a pt complaining of increasing waist circumference and shoe size-d/d and management- discussions revolving around Pituitary Adenomas and Thyroid including medical and surgical management.

The Arabian Examiner started with questions on post chasmal visual field defects, defects of higher visual function and effects of ICA and VBA strokes.

Next was a picture of Anisocoria with detailed discussions on Horners including Pharmacological testing .

Next was a picture of PUK with H/O of Nasal bleeding with discussions on Wegener Granulomatosis.

Last anaphylactic shock with IVFA & managment.


My Third table was on Ophthalmic Medicine (One Indian Examiner, another Lady Examiner from UK-An equally nice Examiner)

started with a picture of a angle closure Glaucoma with detailed discussions on it, next case was a picture of NPDR with CSME with detailed management with special emphasis on ETDRS and Anti-VEGFs including, dosage, procedures and complications

The lady examiner started with a picture of proptosis with discussions on D/D , investigations and detailed discussions on Orbital Cellulitis and I.O.I.D. with special emphasis on steroid and Anti metabolites, Her next picture was of an Angioid Streak with discussions on D/D , systemic associations, complications with special emphasis on CNVM with management.

Her third question was about Myaesthenia along with diagnostic procedures (including procedure of Edrophonium Test in details with complications and management) and management of MG.


After one day gap on 26th Sep I had the Clinical Exam.

Station 1- Anterior Segment (One Indian Examiner, the other one was the Arabian examiner whom I faced in my Neuro Table).

 The first case was a case of Fungal corneal ulcer with hypopyon with discussions about dx and tx.

The second case was a young male patient with inferonasal Iris coloboma with nystagmus, and the third case was a complicated one with a young pt with circumferential limbal abnormality with stromal corneal opacity, pupillary membrane and some patches on the Iris.

The whole procedure in the ant seg station was mainly focused on the use of the Slit lamp with different filters, demonstration of sclerotic scatter and specular reflection etc 

Station 2- Posterior segment (One Indian Examiner another British Lady Examiner –Equally nice one).

The first case was a middle aged lady( SL with 78D Lens) with an ST-BRVO with macular edema with Pre retinal Hge-discussions revolved around the systemic investigations, special diagnostic procedures and management( lasers anti anti-VEGF).

The second case was a young lady (I/O with 20D lens) with a old traumatic choroidal rupture with the management options.

The third case was a young male (SL with 78D) with a traumatic Macular hole, with discussions about staging, clinical diagnosis (Watzke-Allen, and He-Ne Test) and management.


Station 3- Neuro-Ophthalmology and Ocular Motility disorders (Two British Examiners)

The first case was a young male for gross torchlight examination ( anisocoria) and then Ocular Motility-he had Inverse Duane Sign-I was very happy to diagnose it as aberrant Regeneration of Traumatic third Nv palsy.

The second case was an Optic Disc anomaly-? Optic Disc coloboma and I was asked to perform a confrontational VF testing-I did it with a white and a red pin and the examiners were happy.

The Third case was an Alternating Exotropia and I was asked to perform a cover –uncover testing and to comment on the vision of the patient.


Station 4 – Oculoplasty (One Indian & another British examiner)

The first case was a middle aged male pt with Bilateral Ptosis-I was asked to perform a detailed Ptosis examination and I diagnosed it as a MG pt. The discussions revolved around the diagnostic procedures and the treatment options for the patient.

The second was a young girl with a prosthetic eye with contracted socket, discussions were about the causes for these contraction, preventive measures and detailed surgical options for the patient.

The third was TED with Full examination & lid signs.


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