Test 53   (neuroanatomy )
1. Structures found within the cerebellum include:
a. the amygdaloid body

b. the dentate nucleus

c. the emboliform nucleus

d. the caudate nucleus

e. the globose nucleus

2. The fibres that interconnect the two cerebral hemispheres include:

a. the cingulum

b. the uncinate fasciculus

c. the corpus callosum

d. the hippocampal commissure

e. the geniculo-calcarine tract

3. The following structures are made up of the dura mater:

a. tela choroidea

b. the cisterna magna

c. the diaphragma sellae

d. falx cerebelli

e. falx cerebri


4. The following are true with regard to the internal capsule:
a. it is made up of grey matter

b. the anterior limb separates the caudate nucleus from 
    the lenticular nucleus

c. fibres connecting the frontal lobe to the red nucleus 
    are found in the posterior limb

d. corticothalamic fibres are found in the anterior limb

e. contralateral spastic hemiplegia can result from 
    infarction of the lenticulostriate artery

5. With regard to cerebral circulation:

a. the posterior inferior cerebellar artery arises from 
    the posterior cerebral artery

b. the internal capsule is supplied by penetrating branches 
    arising from the middle cerebral artery

c. the posterior cerebral artery arises from the internal 
    carotid artery

d. the lateral aspect of each cerebral hemisphere is 
    supplied mainly by the middle cerebral artery

e. the inferior petrosal sinus drains into the external 
    jugular vein

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