1. The following are true about atherosclerosis:
a. it occurs in the retinal artery
b. foamy macrophages are seen in type I plaque
c. thinning of the intima is a feature
d. proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the intima
is typical
e. raised HDL is associated with atherosclerosis
2. The following conditions may cause central retinal
vein occlusion in a
young patient:
a. protein C deficiency
b. excess protein S
c. antithrombin III deficiency
d. atrial fibrillation
e. factor V Leiden mutation
3. The following are true about cerebral infarction:
a. the area of infarct tends to be wedge-shaped
b. it can result from thrombosis of the external carotid
c. coagulative necrosis occurs in the brain tissue
d. cortical blindness can result from infarction of the
cerebral artery
e. the necrotic tissue is eventually replaced by Schwann
4. The following conditions can give rise to metastatic
a. phthsical eye
b. sarcoidosis
c. renal failure
d. pulmonary tuberculosis
e. multiple myeloma
5. In the presence of inflammation, the following
are raised:
a. platelets
b. ferritin
c. caeruloplasmin
d. fibrinogen
e. complement proteins