Past MCQ topics from Oct, 2001      
1. Contrast sensitivity curve is it u shaped + how is it constructed 
2. Atrial contribution to ventricular filling is it < or> 50% 
3. Does left ventricle contract before the right 
4. What do the following do to vascular smooth muscle: 
     noradrenaline, acetylcholine, adrenaline, 5HT 
5. Long ciliary nerves - do they supply ciliary body 
6. Is melanin located in smooth muscle cells of iris 
7. Tear pH 
8. Is aqueous O2 concentration greater or less than plasma 
9. The effect of sympathetic stimuli on aldosterone secretion and the 
10. Where are mineralocorticoids synthesised 
11. The control of aldosterone secretion 
12. The cause and effect of mesangial contraction 
13. Is BRB essential for lens health 
14. Anterior lens epithelial cells do they have mitosis 
15. Are there any mitosis in corneal epithelial cells above basal layer 
16. Is there laminin in basement membrane 
17. Is hyaluronic acid a glycoprotein 
18. Is tear protein 90% lysozyme 
19. When do lacrimal punctae open 
20. Is there IgG in aqueous 
21. When does foetal liver stop making RBC's 
22. Muller cells are from what embryological layer and are they 
      essential for photo receptor orientation 
23. Morphology of astrocytes 
24. Are macrophages in vitreous called microglia 
25. Zones of lens capsule 
26. Does vitreous envelope zonular fibres posteriorly 
27. Is tertiary vitreous from mesoderm 
28. Is lipofuscin found in RPE cells as age 
29. Do RPE cells divide to replace older dead ones 
30. Neuromuscular junction is it ligand gated channels 
31. Is myelin found in CNS 
32. Do glucocorticoids increase fat use 
33. Does insulin increase fat use 
34. Do muller cells pump potassium into choroid 
35. Do RPE cells pump Ca2+ into choroid 
36. Does the anterior pituitary control aldosterone 
37. Does the kidney control aldosterone 
38. Is there caeruloplasmin in tears 
39. Do lashes intertwine on closing lid 
40. Is deuteranopia sex linked 
41. Do tritanopes have equal M:F ratio 
42. Do LGN cells have point correspondance with retina 
43. Type of visual field defect produced with pituitary tumour 
44. Blood supply of  chiasm (is it supplied by anterior 
      communicating artery) 
45. Cavernous sinus - does it drain Pons, Midbrain 
46. Sphenoparietal ganglion 
47. Does an increase in sodium increase aldosterone 
48. Does an increase in potassium increase aldosterone 
49. Does the suprachiasmatic nucleus get ganglion cell fibres 
50. Can the cytosol be considered a bag of enzymes 
51. Point of entry of central retinal artery into nerve 
52. What does cavernous sinus drain 
53. Are only two layers of the visual cortex myelinated 
54. At the chiasm do some fibres loop into the opposite nerve 
55. At what level is the red nucleus 
56. What does pyramidal decussation contain 
57. To what colliculi do ganglion cell fibres go 
58. Is there a sensory branch from ophthalmic nerve to ciliary 
59. Does superior rectus elevate the eyelid 
60. Is thyroxine a steroid hormone 
61. Is glycosylated Hb produced by enzymes, is it inhibited by 
      aldolase reductase inhibitors, is it a good long term predictor of 
      renal failure 
62. Are these cells contents of granuloma: mast, plasma, giant, 
63. Is there only one type of mast cell in the eye 
64. Do the following prevent mast cell degranulation: Cimetidine, H1 
      blockers, cyclosporin, prednisolone, 5HT inhibitors 
65. Do the following cause corneal opacity: Amiodarone,   
      prednisolone, chloroquine, phenytoin. 
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