Test 39  (pathology)
1. In ionizing radiation:
a. cells in G1 phase of the cell cycle are most sensitive

b. mitosis does not occur in irradiated cells

c. cells experiencing hypoxia are vulnerable to radiation 

d. granulation tissue formation is delayed in wounds which 
     have been radiated

e. undifferentiated tumours are usually more sensitive to 
    radiation than differentiated tumours

2. The following are true with regard to an incision held together by 
    monofilament nylon suture:

a. early suture removal does not affect the granulomatous response

b. monocytes clean the debris left by phagocytes

c. the epidermal and dermal epithelia grow downwards along 
    the suture track

d. fibroblasts have a contractile function which helps to 
    produce a small scar

e. the wound site becomes more vascular as time passes.

3. The following are true:

a. gangrene refers to tissue necrosis with or without infection

b. acute inflammation usually occurs around necrotic tissues

c. apoptosis does not usually cause inflammation

d. autolytic changes in the nucleus are pathognomonic of 

e. the blood vessels surrounding an acutely inflamed site 
    usually show progressive vasodilatation from the time of 

4. The following are true with regard to cell growth:

a. ionizing radiation can cause atrophy

b. hypocalcaemia can lead to enlargement of the parathyroid 

c. the main stimulus for hypertrophy is hormonal

d. in metaplasia, there is a change of a type of differentiated 
    cell to a type of undifferentiated cell

e. achondroplasia does not affect membranous bone

5. During wound healing:

a. the inflammation is greater for catgut than nylon

b. with absorbable suture, the wound strength decreases from 
    the time of suturing.

c. in scurvy the wound is weak due to increased activity of 

d. in infected wound collagen lysis is increase

e. during collagen synthesis, lysine and proline are directly 
     incooperated into the collagen molecules

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