Test 34 (modified from Oct, 2000 Edinburgh)
1. The following are true:
a. Hypertrophy is an increase in tissue size due to increased cell number

b. Hyperplasia is an increase in tissue size due to an increase in cell size

c. Atrophy is a decrease in tissue size due to disuse

d. Metaplasia is a change from one abnormal tissue type to another

e. A hamartoma is a developmental abnormality 

2. Tetanus toxoid:
a. confers active immunity

b. should not be given to immunocompromised patients

c. needs not be given if the patients had received the toxoid in 
    the last five years

d. is given to babies three times as a component of triple vaccines

e. can cause autism

3. MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus):

a. is more likely to cause deeper infection than ordinary 
    Staphylococcus aureus strains

b. causes asymptomatic colonization in the nose

c. pulsed field gel electrophoresis is useful in the investigation of 

d. is resistant to iodine solution

e. is sensitive to vancomycin

4. The following are true about endophthalmitis following cataract extraction:

a. intravenous penicillin is useful 

b. intravenous vancomycin is useful

c. topical antibiotics should form the main stay of treatment

d. steroid should never be used

e. amikacin is less toxic than gentamicin when injected into the 

5. The differences between benign and malignant tumours include:

a. benign tumours do not cause death

b. surrounding bony changes do not occur in benign tumour

c. the nuclei in malignant tumours are hyperchromatic

d. mitosis is absent in benign tumour

e. metastasis do not occur in benign tumour


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