1. The effect of sympathetic nervous system include:
a. contraction of the bladder detrusor muscle
b pupillary dilatation
c. reduced gastrointestinal motility
d. constricts bronchiole smooth muscle
e. constricts skin and mucous membrane blood vessels
2. The following are true about the smooth muscle cells:
a. presence of a striated appearance
b. do not contain actin and myosin
c. spontaneous muscle contraction
d. mitochondria are absent
e. controlled by the autonomic nervous system
3. The pain sensation
a. arises from stimulation of free nerve endings
b. is transmitted to the central nervous system by
unmyelinated C fibres
c. is transmitted to the brain via the spinothalamic tracts
d. is reduced by local anaesthetics through reduction
of the
potassium influx into the nerve fibres
e. is transmitted to the thalamus
4. The prothrombin time
a. assess the extrinsic pathway of the blood coagulation
b. is prolonged in patients with fat absorption
c. is increased by warfarin
d. is increased by heparin
d. may be restored to normal by the administration of
vitamin K
5. In human being, haemorrhage causes
a. venous constriction
b. decreased blood flow to the skin
c. a fall in cardiac output
d. splenic contraction
e. increased aldosterone secretion