1. Adenovirus:
a. contains double stranded DNA
b. possess an envelope
c. causes adenoviral keratitis which responds well to topical acyclovir
d. can be classified into more than 40 serotypes
e. causes skin papilloma
2. Rubella:
a. is transmitted through the respiratory tract
b. is a RNA virus
c. has an incubation period of 14 to 21 days
d. has maximal infectivity 24 hours before the patients develop a papulomacular
e. more likely to cause fetal abnormalities when the mother becomes
infected in late
3. Measles:
a. can be prevented through immunization with a live attenuated
b. causes fetal abnormalities if the mother becomes infected during
c. is most infectious before the onset of symptoms
d. is associated with secondary bacterial infection which is the main
cause of
e. causes blindness through corneal scarring
4. Fetal abnormalities occurs if the mother becomes infected with:
a. hepatitis A
b. cytomegalovirus
c. syphilis
d. toxoplasmosis
e. Listeria monocytogenes
5. DNA virus include the following:
a. hepatitis A
b. hepatitis B
c. hepatitis C
d. molluscum contagiosum
e. varicella zoster
6. Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1):
a. is a retrovirus containing RNA
b. contains env gene which encodes the core nucleocapsid polypeptides
c. binds specifically to B lymphocytes
d. causes an increase in CD8 lymphocytes during seroconversion
e. can be detected in infected individuals by measuring the p24 antigen
7. CD4:
a. is a T helper cells
b. in normal individual is around 600 - 1500 cells per mm3
c. contains receptors in its membrane for the gp120 envelop protein
d. is usually less than 100 cells per mm3 in patients with CMV retinitis
e. is increased during treatment with HAART
8. Normal flora of the conjunctiva include:
a. chlamydia
b. Streptococcus viridens
c. Streptococcus epidermidis
d. Staphylococcus aureus
e. Nocardia
9. Acanthoamoeba:
a. is the most common cause of infective keratitis in contact
lens wearer
b. A. castellani and A. polyphaga are the two most common subtypes seen
acanthamoeba keratitis
c. can be cultured from the nasopharynx of healthy individuals
d. can be killed with 3% hydrogen peroxide
e. causes corneal neovascularization early in the course of the disease
10. With regard to Moraxella lacunata:
a. it is a Gram negative bacillus
b. it causes chronic conjunctivitis
c. it is implicated in angular blepharitis
d. it causes keratitis in debilitating patients
e. it causes crystalline keratopathy