Test 3 (anatomy of the eye)

1. The abducent nerve:
a. is the most slender cranial nerve

b. has its nucleus in the floor of the third ventricle

c. enters the orbit with the tendinous ring

d. lies medial to the internal carotid artery in the cavernous sinus

e. contains parasympathetic nerve fibres

2. The nasociliary nerve:
a. gives off supratrochlear nerve which innervates the medial forehead

b. it supplies the lateral wall of the nose

c. innervates the cornea

d. carries within it the sympathetic fibres from the internal carotid plexus

e. supplies the sphenoidal air sinus

3. The optic nerve:

a. enters the middle cranial fossa through the same foramen as the ophthalmic artery

b. has the ciliary ganglion on its medial side

c. enters the middle cranial fossa medial to the internal carotid artery

d. contains more fibres in fetal than in adult life

e. has its longest course within the cranium


4. The facial nerve:
a. supplies the second pharyngeal arch muscle

b. does not contain sensory nerve

c. supplies secretomotor fibres to the submandibular glands

d. exists the skull through the styloid foramen

e. lies lateral to the external carotid artery within the parotid gland


5. Structures that enter the orbit through the annulus of Zinn include:
a. the nasociliary nerve

b. the lacrimal nerve

c. the frontal nerve

d. the trochlear nerve

e. the abducent nerve

6. The following are true about the autonomic system:

a. the sympathetic system originates in the posterolateral hypothalamus

b. the parasympathetic fibres enter the orbit through the inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve

c. Horner's syndrome can occur in aneurysm of the internal carotid artery

d. the parasympathetic postganglionic fibres that supply the lacrimal gland arise from the ciliary 

e. the accommodation reflex is mediated through the sympathetic pathway


7. The parasympathetic nerve fibres to the lacrimal gland travel through the following nerves:
a. deep petrosal nerve

b. greater petrosal nerve

c. nervus intermedius

d. zygomatic branch of the maxillary nerve

e. zygomaticotemporal nerve


8. The lacrimal gland:
a. receives its blood supply chiefly from a branch of the ophthalmic artery.

b. contains capsule derived from the orbital septum

c. is divided into two lobes by the lateral horn of the aponeurosis.

d. receive sensory supply from the trigeminal nerve

e. has the same histological features as the salivary glands

9. The following are true about the superior ophthalmic vein:

a. it is the main venous channel of the orbit

b. it is formed by the union between the facial vein and the temporal vein

c. it enters the cranium through the inferior orbital fissure

d. it passes backward in the orbit between the levator and the superior rectus muscle

e. it receives the central retinal vein

10. The following are true about the arterial supply of the orbit:

a. the ophthalmic artery arises from the internal carotid artery within the cavernous sinus

b. the central retinal artery enters the optic nerve on its superior surface

c. the ophthalmic artery terminates as the dorsal nasal artery

d. the medial rectus unlike other recti receives only one muscular artery

e. the eyelids are supplied mainly by branches of the external carotid artery

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