Test 4 (ocular anatomy)
1. The following are true about the orbit:
a. it has a volume of about 300 ml

b. the nasal bone forms part of the medial orbital wall

c. the palatine forms part of the posterior orbital wall

d. the lateral wall is the thickest aspect of the orbital wall

e. the lesser wing of sphenoid forms part of the lateral wall

2. The following forms the lacrimal sac fossa:

a. palatine bone

b. frontal process of maxilla

c. lacrimal bone

d. ethmoid bone

e. frontal bone

3. The following are true about the lacrimal gland:

a. it is covered by the pre-aponeurotic fat

b. it is situated within the zygomatic process of the frontal bone

c. the orbital portion is bigger than the palpebral portion

d. it is responsible for basal tear production

e. botulinum toxin inhibits lacrimal gland tear production


4. The following are true about the pre-aponeurotic fat:
a. it is situated between the orbital septum and the levator

b. the trochlear divides the fat into a medial and a lateral pad

c. the lateral pad is larger than the medial pad

d. the medial pad has more fibrous tissue than the lateral pad

e. the medial pad has a yellowish appearance whereas the lateral pad white


5. The following are true about the muscles of expression:
a. paralysis of the orbicular oculi causes widening of the palpebral fissure

b. procerus is responsible for frowning

c. corrugator is responsible for vertical glabellar wrinkles

d. the frontalis is inserted into the undersurface of the eyebrow

e. the frontalis is deficient laterally


6. The following inserts into the lateral tubercle of Whitnall:
a. Whitnall's ligament

b. check ligament of eyeball

c. suspensory ligament of eyeball

d. lateral canthal tendon

e. aponeurosis of levator muscle


7. The following are true:
a. the supraorbital ridge extends only over the medial one half to two thirds of the superior 
    orbital rim

b. fat pad is found below the eyebrow

c. the frontalis muscle of the forehead supports medial two thirds of the eyebrow

d. the sensory nerves to the forehead travels on the underside of the frontalis

e. the supratrochlear nerve supplies most of the sensation of the forehead

8. The following are true about the nasolacrimal system:

a. the canaliculi are found within the medial canthus along their full lengths

b. the canaliculi are lined by stratified columnar cells

c. the lower canaliculus is shorter than the upper canaliculus

d. the canaliculus can be dilated to three times its size without affecting its 

e. sinus of Maier is found in the common canaliculus

9. The orbital septum:

a. is attached to the arcus marginalis of the orbital rim

b. is inserted on the levator at a point where the levator muscle becomes 

c. is attached to the retractor 4 mm below the inferior tarsal border

d. if attenuated results in fat herniation 

e. limits the spread of cellulitis into the orbit


10. The levator superioris:
a. originates at a point superolateral to the optic foramen

b. is attached to the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone

c. is attached to the circle of Zinn

d. turns from muscle into aponeurosis where superior transverse ligament of 
    Whitnall is found

e. is penetrated by the superior division of the oculomotor nerve at the 
    posterior one-third and anterior two-third junction.


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