Test 11 (anatomy)
1. The following are true about the superior oblique muscle:
a. it passes between the superior rectus and the globe on the way to its insertion

b. it has the shortest active muscle

c. it becomes tendinous before reaching the trochlea

d. it is the primary extorter of the globe in the primary position

e. it acts as a pure elevator when the globe is adducted 51 degrees

2. The inferior oblique muscle:

a. has the shortest tendon of all extraocular muscle

b. arises from the anterolateral orbital floor

c. passes between the inferior rectus and the globe on the way to its insertion

d. is involves in elevating the globe in the primary position

e. is innervated by the inferior division of the oculomotor nerve

3. The medial rectus:

a. is the largest extraocular muscle

b. is attached to the dural sheath of the optic nerve

c. is supplied by the superior branch of the oculomotor nerve

d. has the nasociliary nerve running superiorly 

e. its insertion is nearer to the limbus than the inferior rectus

4. The trochlea:

a. is made up of a small circular bone

b. is attached to the frontal bone

c. contains a synovial sheath that surrounds the tendon of the superior oblique

d. is situated medial to the supraorbital nerve

e. divides the preaponeurotic fat into the medial and lateral fat pad.

5. The following are true:

a. at the site of globe insertion, the inferior oblique muscle is covered by the lateral 

b. the superior oblique muscle is inserted anterior to the equator

c. the lateral rectus has an origin from the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone

d. the lateral rectus is supplied by the abducent nerve on its lateral surface

e. the superior rectus is inserted closer to the limbus than the inferior rectus

6. The trochlear nerve:

a. is a pure motor nerve

b. exits the midbrain below the inferior colliculus

c. decussates completely after it emerges from the midbrain

d. lies on the medial wall of the cavernous sinus as it passes forward into the orbit

e. causes hypertropia of the globe if it is paralysed

7. The long ciliary nerve:

a. is a branch of the supraorbital nerve

b. enters the globe at the equator

c. contains parasympathetic nerve fibres

d. synapse at the ciliary ganglion

e. contains sensory fibres from the cornea.

8. The ophthalmic nerve:

a. is the biggest branch of the trigeminal nerve

b. is a purely sensory nerve

c. receives sympathetic fibres from the internal carotid plexus

d. give off three main branches after it enters the orbit

e. lies below the trochlear nerve in the cavernous sinus

9. The following structures are involved in the accommodation reflex:

a. lateral geniculate body

b. visual cortex

c. Edinger-Westphal nuclei

d. ciliary ganglion

e. short ciliary nerves

10. A lesion involving the facial nerve in the facial canal will give rise to:

a. loss of taste to the anterior two third of the tongue

b. hyperacusis

c. loss of lacrimation

d. decreased blinking

e. paralysis of the orbicularis oculi


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