Test 69      (head and neck anatomy)
(only the answers are provided, for detailed explanation please consult standard anatomy textbook such as Snell's Clinical Antomy.)
1. The structures at risk of damage while cannulating the subclavian 
    vein include:
a. phrenic nerve
b. subclavian artery
c. ansa cervicalis
d. anterior ramus of first thoracic nerve
e. pleura

2. The tributaries of the internal jugular vein normally include:

a. pharyngeal veins
b. retromandibular vein
c. external jugular vein
d. anterior jugular vein
e. inferior thyroid veins

3. The inferior parathyroid glands:

a. develop from the fourth pharyngeal pouch
b. when in the neck are constantly located within the 
    fascial capsule of the thyroid gland
c. receive blood supply from the inferior thyroid arteries
d. receive secretomotor nerve supply from the recurrent 
    laryngeal nerves
e. when in the thorax are located in the superior or 
    posterior mediastinum

4. The vertebral artery:

a. is crossed anteriorly by the inferior thyroid artery
b. ascends behind the anterior rami of the cervical nerves
c. passes medially behind the lateral mass of the atlas
d. pierces the dura mater
e. forms a part of the circle of Willis at the base of the 

5. Excision of the right cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion causes:

a. right sided ptosis
b. right sided exophthalmos
c. the left hand to be warmer than the right
d. a dry right palm
e. impaired consensual light reflex.

6. Parasympathetic secretomotor fibres:

a. synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion
b. synapse in the trigeminal ganglion
c. are present in the oculomotor nerve
d. are  present in the maxillary nerve
e. are present in the auriculotemporal nerve


7. Pathways of touch include:
a. dorsal root ganglia
b. gracile tract
c. dorsal spinocerebellar tract
d. spinal lemniscus
e. thalamus

8. The ophthalmic artery:

a. arises from the internal carotid artery
b. enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure
c. does not supply the retina
d. supplies the ethmoidal air sinuses
e. supplies the skin of the scalp

9. The foramen ovale transmits:

a., the middle meningeal artery
b. the greater petrosal nerve
c. the maxillary nerve
d. the auriculotemporal nerve
e. the chorda tympani


10. The anterior fontanelle:
a. is diamond shaped
b. is at the junction oft the metopic, coronal and lamboid 
c. overlies the superior sagittal sinus
d. is smaller than the posterior fontanelle at birth
e. is rarely palpable at the age of eighteen months


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