1. The following are true about ocular histoplasmosis syndrome:
a. it is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum
b. a visit to a cave inhabited by bats is a significant history
c. the patient is usually immunocompromised
d. pneumonia is usually present
e. the 'histo' test is positive in the majority of cases.
2. Regarding the human chromosomes:
a. there are 23 pairs autosomal chromosomes
b. the Y chromosome is larger than the X chromosome
c. cells containing YO chromosome are not compatible
with life
d. Barr body is caused by the presence of an inactive X
e. Barr body is only found in people who are
phenotypically female
3. The following are true about erythromycin:
a. it can be used to treat chlamydial infection effectively
b. it targets the cell wall synthesis of the bacteria
c. it decreases the renal excretion of cyclosporin
d. it causes cholestasis
e. it is ototoxic
4. In autosomal recessive inheritance:
a. the rarer the trait the higher the possibility of marriages
within the same family
b. most recessive gene defects cause problem through
failure to produce functional protein
c. both males and females are affected equally severely
d. the chance of a child being affected if both parents are
carriers of a recessive gene is 50%
e. autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa is usually more
severe than autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa
5. Regarding the trochlear (fourth) nerve:
a. each trochlear nerve innervates the contralateral
superior oblique muscle
b. its nucleus is located above the cerebral aqueduct in
the midbrain
c. it enters the orbit through the circle of Zinn
d. it is a pure motor nerve
e. paralysis of the trochlear nerve is the most common
cause of vertical ocular misalignment.