1. The following areas are involved in the initiation of a
saccadic eye
a. inferior colliculus
b. posterior parietal cortex
c. frontal eye fields
d. dorsal prefrontal cortex
e. temporal cortex
2. In a patient with a right internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO):
a. the lesion is in the right medial longitudinal fasciculus
b. the convergence is abnormal
c. there is a left adduction deficit
d. a left abduction nystagmus is normal
e. there is saccadic movement abnormality of the left eye
3. The following are true about the medial longitudinal fasciculus
a. it allows the eyes to perform conjugate movement
b. it connects the sixth nerve nucleus with the ipsilateral
third nerve nucleus
c. it ascends from the medulla to the pons
d. a lesion in the MLF causes an ipsilateral adduction
e. a partial lesion in the MLF causes an ipsilateral lag in
the adducting saccade
4. The following are involved in vergence eye movements:
a. conjugate movement
b. pupillary constriction
c. accommodation
d. sympathetic pathway
e. rapid eye movement
5. With regard to the vestibular system:
a. it is concerned with optokinetic nystagmus
b. it comprises the semicircular canals, utricle and saccule
c. the seimcircular canals respond to linear acceleration of
head movement
d. the utricle responds to rotational acceleration of head
e. the saccule responds to linear acceleration of head