Test 205  (Ocular anatomy)
1. The following are true about the inferior ophthalmic vein:
a. it receives blood from the facial vein and the angular 

b. it receives more tributaries than the superior ophthalmic 

c. it runs below the inferior rectus to enter the cavernous 

d. it communicates with the superior ophthalmic vein at 
    the superior ophthalmic fissure

e. it has communication with the pterygoid plexus


2. The pterygopalatine ganglion:
a. is suspended from the mandibular nerve

b. receives the greater petrosal nerve that contains 
    parasympathetic nerve for the lacrimal gland.

c. supplies motor nerve to the orbicularis oculi

d. provides sensory supply to the frontal sinus

e. provides sensory supply to the nasal mucosa

3. The ophthalmic artery:
a. is the first branch of the internal carotid artery after
    it passes through the cavernous sinus.

b. passes forward in the orbit between the lateral 
    rectus and the optic nerve

c. crosses the optic nerve inferiorly within the orbit in 
    the majority of patients.

d.  lies within the dura as it transverses the optic canal

e. terminates as the supratrochlear and dorsal nasal 


. 4. True statements about the inferior oblique muscle:
a. it arises from the lacrimal bone

b. it passes anterolaterally below the inferior rectus.

c. it is innervated by the inferior division of the third nerve

d. it intorts the globe

e. it elevates the globe

5. The following are true about the cones:
a. there are about 5 millions cones in a human retina

b. the blue cone is the least common of the three different

c. the red and green cones made up 90% of all cones

d. blue cones are absent in the fovea

e. red and green cones are responsible for the highest 
    degree of visual acuity in bright light

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