2. Cotton wool spots:
a. result from arteriolar occlusion in the nerve fibre layer
b. are usually less than one disc diameter
c. are found mainly adjacent to the major vascular arcade
d. result from interruption of axoplasmic flow
e. seen in diabetes mellitus tend to persist longer than
those in hypertensive retinopathy
3. The following factors are important in angiogenesis in diabetic
a. tissue necrosis factor
b. basic fibroblast growth factor
c. lymphokines
d. insulin-like growth factor
e. vascular endothelial growth factor
. 4. Siderosis bulbi:
a. is commonly the result of incompletely removed
corneal foreign body containing iron
b. causes miosis which does not respond to light
c. causes iris hyperpigmentation
d. gives an initial supernormal signal in electroretinography
followed by a progressive decrease in the b-wave
e. causes subcapsular sunflower cataract
5. Optic disc drusen:
a. usually contains calcium
b. is associated with age-related macular degeneration
c. is associated with angioid streaks
d. is associated with venous obstruction
e. causes visual field abnormalities