Past Part 1 MRCOphth: 11
1. Regarding immunoglobulins:
a. myeloma proteins representing each of the major classes of 
    immunoglobulins and the 4 subclasses of immunoglobulins have been 
b. IgA is the second most abundant class of immunoglobulins in the serum
c. each contains 4 polypeptide chains
d. IgG is the only immunoglobulins that crosses the human placental barrier
e. rheumatoid factor is not an immunoglobulins

2. Fluid outflow pathways in a normal eye include:

a. cilio-choroidal outflow
b. choroido-vortex outflow
c. uveo-scleral outflow
d. trans-scleral outflow
e. vitreoretino-choroidal outflow

3. The following drugs may cause benign intracranial hypertension:

a. corticosteroids
b. acetazolamide
c. tetracycline
d. vitamin A
e. ethambutol

4. Echothiophate:

a. its a cholinesterase inhibitor
b. therapy may cause apnoea on succinylcholine administration
c. concomitant phenylephrine drops minimize production of iris cysts
d. causes cataract formation
e. is used in treatment of lice infestation of lashes
5. Pterygo-palatine fossa contains:
a. maxillary nerve
b. pterygopalatine ganglion
c. lesser superficial petrosal nerve
d. nerve of pterygoid canal
e. maxillary artery
6. Regarding SF6 gas:
a. it is lipid soluble
b. it can cause posterior subcapsular cataract
c. it absorbs nitrogen from vein
d. it will not expand with concentration of 40% SF6 and 60% air
e. there is no electro-physiological evidence fo damage to photo-receptor

7. True statements regarding optic nerve:

a. the fibres of the optic nerve are the axons of the cells in the ganglionic 
    layer of the retina
b. the fibres of the optic nerve  unmyelinated
c. their sheaths are formed by Schwann cells
d. it is comparable to a tract within the central nervous system
e. it leaves the orbital cavity through the optic canal
8. Major problems associated with massive blood transfusions include;
a. underlying coagulopathy
b. thrombocytopaenia
c. lack of coagulation faction V and VIII
d. hyperkalaemia
e. hypothermia
9. Blood supply of the orbit:
a. the principle arterial supply of the orbit and its structures derives from 
    the ophthalmic artery
b. the ophthalmic artery is the second major branch of the intracranial 
    portion of the internal carotid artery
c. the ophthalmic artery passes beneath the optic nerve and accompanies 
    it through the optic canal into the orbit
d. the first intraorbital branch of the ophthalmic artery is the central retinal 
    artery which enters the optic about 8-15 mm behind the globe. 
e. other branches of the ophthalmic arteries include the long and short 
    posterior ciliary arteries.

10. Concerning the para-nasal sinuses:

a. the maxillary is well developed at birth
b. the maxillary sinus is supplied by the intraorbital nerve
c. the frontal sinus appears as a narrow slite at birth
d. the sphenoidal sinus is supplied by the shenoidal nerve
e. the middle the posterior ethmoidal air cells drains into the middle meatus.
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