1. The following conditions are caused by nondisjunction:
a. phenylketonuria
b. sickle cell disease
c. Down's syndrome
d. Patau's syndrome
e. Edward's syndrome
2. The following are true about Turner's syndrome:
a. the patient may be male or female
b. the condition is usually caused by maternal X chromosomal nondisjunction
c. the incidence of X-linked colour blindness amongst Turner patients
is the same as the normal male population
d. it is associated with cataract
e. peripheral retinal pigmentation is a feature
3. Karyotype can be obtained from:
a. sperms
b. chorionic villi
c. retinoblastoma cells
d. red blood cells
e. bone marrow cells
4. The following definitions are correct:
a. syntheny: presence of genes on the same chromosome
b. isochromosome: chromosomes which are identical to each other
c. heteroplasmy: presence of two or more different
populations of mitochondria within a cell
d. genoscopy: similar genotypes that manifest as different
e. autosome: 23 pairs in normal human beings
5. The following techniques are used to directly identify DNA:
a. Western blotting
b. Southern blotting
c. Northern blotting
d. polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
e. denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis