a. has sympathetic innervation by fibres whose cell bodies
lie in the superior cervical ganglion
b. exhibits thickened corneal nerve in multiple endocrine
c. derives its entire oxygen supply from the anterior
d. is 5% thinner during waking hours than during sleep
e. has a flatter cornea peripherally than centrally, more
so nasally than temporally
2. Which of the following are true about tear films:
a. deficiency of the oily layer can be detected with
the Schirmer's test
b. the only immunoglobulin present in tears is IgA
c. the pumping action of the orbicularis oculi during
blinking is essential for normal tear drainage
d. the mucin provides a hydrophilic surface to the
hydrophobic corneal epithelium
e. the mucin is produced mainly by the accessory
lacrimal gland
3. Regarding the function of the ciliary body:
a. contraction of its longitudinal muscle opens the canal
of Schlemm
b. contraction of its circular muscle relaxes the zonule
to increase accommodation
c. carbonic anhydrase enzyme acts on the epithelium
of the ciliary body to secrete aqueous humour
d. pilocarpine eye drops cause contraction of the ciliary
muscles to produce miosis
e. contraction of the ciliary body decreases with age
4. In the lacrimal system:
a. the lacrimal nerve, a branch of the ophthalmic nerve, is
the afferent nerve of the lacrimal reflex
b. goblet cells are found in the glands of Moll
c. the mucous layer reduces evaporation of the aqueous
d. the accessory lacrimal glands provide the main portion
of the normal basal tear flow needed for the general
maintenance and proper functioning of the eye
e. a normal Schirmer's test should have a minimal
of 15mm of wetting in 5 minutes
5. Regarding the blood supply of the eye:
a. retinal blood flow is mainly under the autonomic
b. the majority of the blood flow to the eye passes
through the retina
c. the ophthalmic artery arises from the internal carotid
artery in the cavernous sinus
d. the ophthalmic artery enters the orbit above the optic
e. the retinal artery arises from the ophthalmic artery about
1 cm behind the eye