Test 129  (Microbiology)
1.  The following substances are used in Gram staining:
a. iodine

b. crystal violet

c. alcohol

d. safranin

e. congo red

2. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria occurs through:

a. mutation

b. conjugation

c. phagocytosis

d. plasmid transfer

e. spore formation

3. Fungi differ from bacteria in that the former:

a. are eukaryotic

b. contain both DNA and RNA

c. contain cell walls

d. can reproduce sexually

e. can form spores

4. Chlamydia:

a. possess a Gram negative cell wall

b. contain muramic acid in the cell wall

c. are obligate intracellular parasites

d. can not grow in inanimate media

e. appear as basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies 
    on Giemsa stain

5. The following organisms are common causes of endophthalmitis 
    following cataract surgery:

a. Staphylococcus aureus

b. Candidiasis albican

c. Streptococcal species

d. Bacillus species

e. Neisseria species

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