Test 109   (Pharmacology)
1. Heparin: 
a. is found in the human mast cells

b. is not active if given orally

c. lowers the plasma triglyceride level

d. binds to anti-thrombin III and increases its inactivation 
    of thrombin

e. is reversed by administration of vitamin K

2. The pairings of the following are correct:
a. parasympathomimetic - decreased aqueous outflow

b. sympathomimetic - increased aqueous outflow

c. prostaglandin analogue - increased uveoscleral outflow

d. acetazolamide - decreased aqueous production

e. alpha receptor agonist - decreased aqueous outflow

3. The following are true about fluoroquinolone:
a. it acts by inhibiting DNA gyrase

b. ciprofloxacin is poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal 

c. corneal deposition is a complication of topical ofloxacin

d. it is active against gram negative bacilli

e. systemic administration is associated with interstitial 

4. Mannitol:
a. is given as a 1% solution

b. is contraindicated in patient with cardiac failure

c. is metabolized by the liver prior to excretion

d. decreases the vitreous volume

e. can be given orally to decrease the intraocular pressure

5. The following are true about topical steroids:

a. the incidence of steroid induced glaucoma increases 
    with increased strength of the prednisolone used

b. in the intact cornea, prednisolone acetate has a better
    corneal penetration than prednisolone phosphate

c. in the intact cornea, dexamethasone has a better corneal
    penetration than prednisolone acetate

d. fluoromethalone has a poorer corneal penetration than 

e. the anti-inflammatory effect of prednisolone acetate is 
    increased if the concentration of the solution is 
    increased from 1 to 2 %

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