British Isles |
Legend, scholastic disputes, travellers' tales, local patriotism
and downright fabrications have all encumbered the quest for knowledge
on the early history of glasses. Rock glass must have been known in early
times, but even manufactured glass has a considerable antiquity. A wall
painting at Beni Hasan, which accurately depicts the process of glass blowing,
is attributed to the period of the XI th dynasty, though there is no evidence
of any manufacture of glass in Egypt till the much later XVIIIth dynasty.
References to glass and its manufacture also abound in the Bible. Pliny
assigned the origin of glass manufacture to the accidental discovery by
Phoenician merchants of a glass-like substance under their cooking pots,
which had been supported by blocks of nitron. It is not unlikely that some
such accident - the fusion by heat of impure sodium carbonate with sand,
started off the quest for a less brittle and more transparent substance
than was produced in this manner. The manufacture of glass for the production
of vases, mirrors and gems of all sorts had developed into an advanced
industry long before Roman times.
Legend has it that St. Jerome (c. 340-420 AD) invented glasses. On more
definite evidence the use of glasses in remoter antiquity has been considered.
Pliny records the 'Nero princeps gladiatorium pugnas spectabat zmaragdo"
and this vague reference to Nero watching gladiatorial contests with an
emerald has been read to mean that he used glasses. The emerald may well
have had other uses, as a gem, as the sporting of the green colours of
the Emperor, as an amulet - for emeralds had a reputation for strengthening
the eye - and so on. Presumably Nero was short-sighted, but what is known
about his sight rather suggests the photophobia of the albino, for which
indeed he may have used green glass as a protective. It is certainly a
fact that myopia and the weak sight of old people was well known tot he
Romans, but nowhere at that period and for many centuries subsequently
is there nay reference to glasses. Indeed myopia was regarded as a permanent
defec,. as is shown by the fact that Roman lawyers considered myopia a
perpetuum, diminishing the market value of a slave; and as for presbyopia,
the only way Roman patricians knew of overcoming it was by getting a slave
to read to them.
Travellers' tales have made China the original centre of glasses. The
earliest evidence concerning glasses in China is, however, of considerably
later period that the time they made their appearance in Europe. The Chinese
probably learnt about glasses indirectly from Europe through the intermediary
of the inhabitants of Malacca.
Magnifying glasses of a sort were known and may have been used in antiquity.
The effect of a glass bowl filled with water in showing up details was
recognized, as can be seen from a reference in Seneca. Furthermore, Pliny
relates that such bowls were used by physicians for burning. The glass
bowl was obviously used as a condensing lens, though it was a wonder to
the Romans that cold water should be able to burn. Dimly the biconvex lens
was already known.
Alhazen had carried the theory of vision to a sufficiently advanced
level almost to have been able to introduce the use of lens. But it was
left for subsequent centuries actually to achieve it. The first recognition
of these possibilities seems to have come with Roger Bacon, as seen from
a passage not devoid of gross errors. He discusses the use of segments
of spheres and shows that letters and small objects on which they are placed
appear magnified. "For this reason such an instrument is useful to old
persons and to those with weak sight, for they can see any letter, however
small, if magnified enough."
The observation that segments of spheres magnify was not original with
Bacon; what constitutes an advance is the clear recognition of their use
for old people and those with weak sight. If it was not eye-glasses that
Bacon had in mind, he advocated the loupe or magnifying glass, the forerunner
of spectacles.
A painting of Virgil
using spectacles but
glasses were not invented for at least 1500
years after his death. |
References to glasses begin to crowd at the beginning of the
14th century; they, therefore, must have attracted considerable attention
towards to the end oft the 13th century. The first medical reference is
by Bernard Gordon, Professor of Montpellier (1305). He recommends a collyrium
of such potency "that it will enable those whose sight is weak from old
age to read without glasses." Guy de Chauliac (1353) likewise recommends
collyria, but adds that when they do not help, recourse should be had to
glasses. Incidentally, collyria were time-honoured means for strengthening
the sight. Ali ben Isa has laid down explicitly that they who do not see
in the near, "a condition which mainly affects old people" should use styptic
medicines; whilst those who see well near by but not in the distance, require
medicines which give moist nutrition and bring the moist principle to the
Attempts to trace the invention of glasses to a particular person have
had little success. Fraciscus Redi, a distinguished and learned Professor
of Medicine in Pisa, in letters to a friend in 1676, writes that he has
a manuscript dated 1299, in the preface of which a reference is made to
the recently invented glasses; " I find myself so oppressed by the years
that I no longer have the strength to read or write without the glasses
known as spectacles, lately invented for the comfort of the old souls who
have become weak-sighted." Redi further quotes from a sermon (1305) by
Fra Giordano da Rivalto: " It is not yet twenty years that the art of making
glasses was invented; this enables good sight and is one of the best as
well as the most useful of arts that the world possess." Fra Giordano resided
together with Fra Alessandro da Spina in the monastery of S. Catherina
at Pisa, and Redi extracted from the manuscript chronicle of the monastery
two references to Spina. One is an obituary notice, Spina having died in
1313, two years after Fra Giordano: "Brother Alexander da Spina, a modest
and good man, had the capacity to make things he had seen or of which he
had heard. He made glasses and freely taught the art to others. Glasses
had previously been made by someone else who, however, would not say anything
about them." Another reference in that chronicle speaks in the same tone
and to the same effect, emphasizing that in contrast tot he secretiveness
of the original inventor, da Spina freely communicated the secret of the
art he had copied.
Thus while Alexander da Spina, a Dominican monk, is generally accepted
as the re-inventor of glasses, the original inventor is lost to history.
It is in fact doubtful whether there was such as one; it is just as likely
that the value of glasses was found empirically towards the end of
the 13th century owing to the accidental use of the somewhat plano-convex
glass of some forms of window-plane. Bacon, who had the requisite theoretical
knowledge, did not apparently get as far as glasses, whilst the claims
for Salvino Armato of Florence are largely based on the excessive zeal
of a Florentine historian, Domenico Manni.
Manni relates that a Florentine antiquary saw a tomb-stone inscription
in the now demolished church of St. Maria Maggiore at Florence which
read:: "Here rests Salvino d'Armato of the Armati of Florence, the inventor
of spectacles. God pardons his sins. A.D. 1317." Manni held that Armato
was the secretive inventor spoken of in the references to da Spina, and
this flimsy view has somehow gained widespread acceptance.
What looked like more conclusive evidence was published in 1845 by Casemaecker
of Ghent. A rather lurid story is told of Roger Bacon - incidentally translated
into a Belgian - fleeing before Papal wrath and passing on his invention
of spectacles to a friend, from whom it was that da Spina heard of glasses.
Bacon himself was most anxious not to attract further attention from the
Church, as he was already in heavy disfavour for his other works. To Hirschberg,
this tale, along with its other lurid details, sounded like a bad detective
story, and on investigating it he found that though it had been accepted
as authentic history it was nothing more than pure invention written by
a journalist for its reputed author, an optician.
It was therefore somewhere towards the 13th century that glasses came
to be introduced. Glasses began to have a vogue towards the middle oft
he 14th century; and painters and sculptors could not resist the temptation
to endow biblical figures with these accessories. Glasses were even deemed
necessary in the Garden of Eden. Public documents make references to them
and wills dispose carefully of spectacles, for they were still a costly
item. It was not till the beginning of the 16th century that the concave
glass began to be used; Pope Leo X, painted by Raphael between 1517 and
1519, is depicted holding a concave lens, and a number of later references
in books abound. But it was not till Kepler (1604) that the whole subject
was clearly conceived.
Spectacles were not well received by the oculists. Bartisch scornfully
dismisses them; he could not conceive how an eye that does not see well
would see better with something in front of it. Even after Kepler, collyria
for weak sight prospered. Nevertheless a great deal of practical and useful
information was being collected by humber vendors of glasses, and this
was well systematized in an utterly unscientific treatise published in
Spain in 1623 by Daza de Valdés, "licentiate and notary of the Inquisition
in the City of Seville." The use of high convex lenses after cataract operations
is clearly indicated, whilst a scale of different strengths of reading
glasses for different ages is laid down. For a man between 30 and 40, lenses
of 2 degrees were needed; for one aged between 70 and for higher ages lenses
of five to six degrees. Women required more than double the strength, for
not only do they perform more delicate work, but their eyes are naturally
Almost down to the middle of the 19th century the fitting of glasses
was the prerogative of untrained vendors -- mostly itinerant, who combined
this business with the other occupations usual to pedlars. Oculists took
but the slightest interest in the matter, at the most recommending a patient
to go to a shop and select the most suitable pair obtainable. The range
of choice was of course not wide. The stock in trade consisted of glasses
after cataract operation, glasses for old sight, glasses for short sight
and occasionally glasses for "old sight of young people". Astigmatism was
not known till Young demonstrated it in his own eyes in 1801; that a correction
was possible was not realized till Airy designed a suitable cylindrical
lens in 1827. But even so it was not till after Donders and the subsequent
introduction of retinoscopy that the treatment of astigmatism assumed any
tangible practical form.
Indeed, almost until Donders glasses met with a remarkable hostility.
During the earlier part of the 19th century there was much hostility, largely
the result of Beer's attitude to them, for Beer had little more use for
them than Bartisch. Weller, in a standard book in 1832, advises against
concave lenses if the eye is to be saved from deformation, and is to preserve
its ability to become far-sighted after the age of 40. Sichel, another
important contemporary writer, sees in concave lenses the cause of old
sight, whilst yet another author blames glasses for the development of
short sight. Here and there, particularly in England, an isolated voice
was raised pleading for the use of glasses. In this connection the charlatan
Rowley deserves to be remembered, as also Kitchiner and Lawrence. The trial
case was first introduced in 1843, and in the same year Küchler introduced
test types for near. Eleven years later Jaeger introduced test types for
both near and distance, though it was left to Snellen to put these on a
scientific basis. By the use of the ophthalmoscope Jaeger paved the way
for the objective determination of refractive errors, in the development
of which the names of Bowman (1859) and Cuignet (1875) stand out. But it
was largely the work of Donders that made the problems of refraction and
the rational use of glasses part of the ophthalmic creed.
The introduction of prisms into ophthalmology also dates from this period.
First introduced by Kepler, pioneer work in their clinical application
had been carried out by Wells in 1792; yet it was not till Donders in 1847
and especially von Graefe in 1857 showed their value in muscle insufficiency,
that any serious attention was given to their possibilities.
In this later life, Benjamin Franklin developed presbyopia.
As he was also myopic, he got tired of constantly having to interchange
two paris of glasses. So he decided to figure out a way to make his glasses
let him see both near and far. He had two pairs of spectacles cut in half
and put half of each lens in a single frame to make a bifocal. |
The evolution of the spectacle frame has a history of its own. The oldest
spectacles, known to us from a painting by di Modena in 1352, consisted
of two lenses in rims, joined centrally. The inconvenience of holding such
glasses in position for any length of time led to a modification suggesting
sugar-tongs. Metal rims gave way to leather ones; such a pair has been
found preserved within a book. An early modification -- incidentally recommended
by Savodarola -- was to secure the glasses by a tape tucked under the hat,
a method rather reminiscent of the Chinese way of binding the glasses to
the head gear. Various forms of lorgnette followed. The original attempts
at ear-rails added greatly to the already heavy weight of spectacles. It
was only towards the end of the 18th century that passable ear-rails came
to be introduced. These were followed by glasses with nose-pieces having
a spring, a marked advance on the much earlier nose-riders which were kept
in position by the pressure the rims exercised on the nose. Gold, silver,
steel, fish-bone, horn, wood and leather have all been used for the making
of the spectacle frame.
From the moment of their
invention, people had problems in
deciding on how to keep glasses on. The present frame
sidepieces resting on the were invented by Edward Scarlett
in 1730. While the problems of wearing glasses nowadays
present little problems, some poor souls are less certain
about the correct way of wearing a monocle as shown by
the following article found in Sunday Times Magazine,
1999: |
Dear Mrs. Mills,
I have worn a monocle on and off for the past few years.
I now feel totally comfortable
and indeed confident with it. However, I am anxiouis
to know the correct etiquette, if
any, that goes with the wearing of an eyepiece. I do
entertain on a regular basis --
luncheons, dinners and so on -- and I'm desperate to
ascertain the correct procedrues
when receiving dignitaries and, of course, female company.
DPC, Lincs
Dear DPC,
While the monocle should be worn whenever needed for
seeing clearly (ie, reading,
shooting, neurosurgery), it is also your responsibility
to maintain its silly-ass yet,
paradoxically, rakish image. So, for instance, it
should be worn when eating soup so
that you can exclaim "Gosh" (or "Crikey" in extreme
duress), put on a surprised
expression and allow the monocle to fall into the
bowl -- a minor coup de théâtre that
will give you the moral high ground. On the other
hand, when being introduced to a
lady wearing a low-cut dress, never fail to screw
the monocle tightly into your eye
socket and draw! "Hellloooo" while examining her cleavage
closely. Extra kudos is
obtained by sounding like Terry-Thomas.
Mrs. Mills